Sandra Possing

Life Coach, Speaker & Entrepreneur

Helping you unleash your inner badass.

Hi! My name is Sandra Possing and I’m a life coach, speaker, and entrepreneur. Through my 1:1 and group coaching programs, social media, writing, live streaming, and speaking engagements, I inspire, empower and challenge people to seriously step up their game.


Growing up, I remember spending a lot of time feeling self conscious. Uncomfortable in my own skin. Life was good, but there was always this nagging, underlying feeling of holding back. Like I couldn't quite relax and be myself.

People pleasing, perfectionism, self doubt, and worrying what other people thought all got in the way of me living up to my potential.

After a while, the deep ache of not stepping up and into what I knew I was capable of became too painful and I started soul searching, as if it was my job.

Personal development changed everything. As I got more clear on who I am and what I want, and started to take action, things began to fall into place.

Eventually I found my way to the coaching world, and felt like I had come home. Could I really spend all my "working" time studying and helping others with the very topics I was most passionate about? Yup. I had found my calling.

It had also become clear to me by then that I zero interest in the 9-5 world (or really most of the conventional mainstream life that society conditions us to believe we're supposed to want). It was a huge relief to discover the entrepreneurial path - one just as full of uncertainty and risk as it was with limitless possibilities. Something that I found daunting yet exhilarating. It made me feel so alive!

My Values & Beliefs

You are limitless.

Everything I've learned in 2+ decades of passionately studying personal development, human potential, and success has convinced me that we are limitless. Yes there are circumstances to navigate and hurdles to overcome, but by mastering our minds and learning how to co-create with the universe, we can become powerful manifestors and consciously design our lives. Anything is possible.

Authenticity is where it's at.

In a world that works really hard to tell you who and what you're supposed to be, do, and have (and gives you endless reasons to think you're never good enough) it's basically a radical act of defiance to be yourself. And yet, that is where our power lies. The tremendous relief and deep joy in being true to ourselves alone is worth it, but things start to get really magical when we create our lives FROM that place. There is nothing more badass than being who you are.

Align with soul and everything flows

With authenticity as our foundation, we can design and manifest lives that are an expression - an extension - of who we are. The more we move toward alignment, in all areas of our lives, the more things flow. When you are deeply connected to your own soul, know how to listen to your intuition, and have learned to trust yourself and take inspired imperfect action, it gets easier and easier to be, do, and have everything you want, because it's coming from such an aligned place. You can have it all.

The first few years were rocky, but consistent mindset and personal growth work plus hiring mentors and being in community with fellow coaches and entrepreneurs kept me and the business on a steady forward trajectory.\

Now I'm thrilled to say that I am quite literally living my dream life (and actively working on upleveling all parts of it to new heights). I've got a thriving six figure business that is an authentic expression of who I am, which gives me the freedom to travel the world and live an unconventional and extraordinary life.

My husband and I are digital nomads and regularly travel around the world, prioritizing adventure, connection, and joy.

My Approach

My official coach and leadership development training happened at The Coaches Institute. But I believe I was meant for this work long before. When I think back to what I was most drawn to as a young person, it was non-fiction self help books or mystical stories like the Celestine Prophecy. 

My name literally means "helper of mankind"! And I was always the friend that people wanted to confide in. This work is in my blood. It is my soul, my calling, my purpose in the world. 

So when I'm supporting my clients, whether through 1:1 coaching, live group programs, DIY online courses, or just in the content I share on social media every day, I am just speaking my truth and sharing my heart. 

Everything I am and everything I've experienced gets integrated into it - 

The coaching methodologies I've been trained in, all the books I read, the podcasts I listen to, the seminars and workshops I've attended, the mentors I've hired, my years as an outdoor fitness instructor and personal trainer, skills I learned through improv classes, extensive leadership development training, the challenges I've personally over come, and what I've learned through supporting hundreds of men and women in this business over the last 7 years.

More and more I am letting my intuitive gifts shine through as well. I used to be very shy about this and relied more on the information I'd learned from others, but these days I'm letting it all hang out, including all my spirituality and my woo 🙂

If you work with me, expect to be met right where you are without judged. Expect fierce love, deep respect, and endless compassion. 

While being held with all of that tenderness, however, you can bet your booty I will also call you forth, call you out, and ask you to rise up and unleash your unique brilliance out into the world, because the world NEEDS you.

Ready? Join me on this exhilarating journey.

Unleash your inner badass and start manifesting your dream life now.

Contact us.

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